Your Air is My Air
This Time, This Earth, This Body … Our Time, Our Earth, Our Bodies.
Moving with the wind
For a long time, it has felt like we were in a balloon, unnoticeably getting inflated over time, bigger and bigger. The question arises in many, when is it going to change? How long can we go on like this? How will we manage the pop? Well, I believe we are here. We are in the time now when the balloon has popped. Amazingly, it shows us how when we globally get behind an “issue,” we can swiftly make changes happen.
We are now at a crossroads of opportunity. How will humanity come together (within our social-separation restrictions) to make decisions and pathways for our present moment and the future timelines ahead? We are being challenged to deconstruct, fall apart and pick up anew. To enter the flow of not having all the answers creates a quest for new, potentially more relevant solutions that align with our innate human needs. Human existence, what does that mean? What do we really need? This virus is bringing into light the systems (for better or worse) around food security, shelter, access to medicine, and health care. Access to treatment for mind, body & spirit. Access as well to human connection. How do we want our time on this Earth to be spent and experienced? It is an adjustment to set all past programming free from the driver’s seat of decisions.
As we minimize the go-go-go and the chatter to achieve, gain, and acquire, we allow for growing into energetic alignment with what the Earth can provide; we can strengthen the interconnectedness of our human relationships. We can stand up in a unified awakening if we choose to do so.
From Naila Ele:
What is in our best interest to consider about this time and the virus?
A time for being in connection with the rhythms and pace of the Earth’s cycles and slowing the individual energy output. To connect more with the plants & animals & seasons. We are moving into the flow of synarchy, of communing with each other and the Earth. Breathing love and intention of all efforts to be in connection with humans in alignment with Earth, with the animals.
Moving away from self, I, me & opening doorways into we, us, together. Your breath is my breath; your air is my air is her air is his air is the bear’s air is the birches air.
Connect with people who don’t look like you.
Tune your radio to the inner dial, the channel that lands in your solar plexus. Intuition.
Thank you and be well,